Northern Alliance Trust is supporting underdeveloped countries around the world through our partnership with Opportunity International.

Opportunity International provides access to savings, small business loans, insurance and training to 1.55 million people working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Clients in 22 countries use these financial services to expand businesses, provide for their families, create jobs for their neighbors and build a safety net for the future.

Kelowna's Gospel Mission is one of the largest Central Okanagan organization dedicated to addressing homelessness in all its facets. They provide essential services such as Emergency Shelters that give people immediate care but also facilitating a place for them to move forward toward their goals. KGM provides essential items such as food, clothing, basic health care, and emotional support for those experiencing episodic homelessness.

Want To Invest In Canadians And Support A Good Cause?

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Address: 1735 Dolphin Ave #101A
Kelowna, BC V1Y 8A6
Phone: +1.866.777.9567

*Past Performance of Northern Alliance Trust B Units does not guarantee future results. Northern Alliance Trust locks in its Unit price to $5.00/Unit. The actual net asset value (NAV) typically fluctuates between $4.87 and $5.10 depending on the performance of the fund, current expenses, transaction costs and potential losses. Some expenses are large annual expenses (audits, OM revision) which can be recovered throughout the remainder of the year. The return calculated on this summary does not reflect the NAV fluctuations. B Unit Dividend performance is different from the total fund performance. Returns are compounded quarterly and annualized.

All data quoted about the fund is as of December 31, 2023.