Why Investors choose
Investment Opportunities That Provide Returns
Northern Alliance Trust was founded in 2015 on successful, disciplined lending practices through it's manager, Shelter Lending. Our track record of consistent investor returns supports our underwriting and diversification strategy. The fund provides investors with an opportunity to invest in Western Canadian real estate without the headaches of being a landlord. Northern Alliance Trust partners with PARVIS, an exempt market dealer registered across Ontario and Western Canada.
Address: 1735 Dolphin Ave #101A
Kelowna, BC V1Y 8A6
Phone: +1.866.777.9567
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*Past Performance of Northern Alliance Trust B units does not guarantee future results. Northern Alliance Trust locks in its Unit price to $5.00/Unit. The actual net asset value (NAV) typically fluctuates between $4.87 and $5.10 depending on the performance of the fund, current expenses, transaction costs and potential losses. Some expenses are large annual expenses (audits, OM revision) which can be recovered throughout the remainder of the year. The return calculated on this summary does not reflect the NAV fluctuations. B Unit Dividend performance is different from the total fund performance. Returns are compounded quarterly and annualized.
All data quoted about the fund is as of December 31, 2023.